
Schützenstraße 67

49084 Osnabrück


Owner: Julia Waldorf

UStNr. DE 253543831

Legal advisory:

waldorfconsulting has taken every possible effort to ensure that all information contained on this web site is accurate and correct. However, we exclude any liability for the accuracy of any data or other information contained here. In no instance can we be made liable for any damages resulting from the use of information contained on this web site.


The layout of this homepage, the graphics employed as well as the collection of inserts are copyrighted. The pages can only be copied for personal use and may not be altered in any way.


Foto “Spiegel”: Thomas_EyeDesign / istockphoto.com

Foto “Schildkröten Bilder”: craftvision / istockphoto.com

Foto “Business Vision”: RichVintage / istockphoto.com

Foto “Top News”: Dimitar Bosakov – Fotolia.com